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Email and data encryption with OpenPGP and Thunderbird
Far too few users use data encryption if they send confidential data or documents by email. The use of encryption with OpenPGP was never so easy.
Email is like a postcard when it is passed from server to server until it reaches the recipient's mail server. Today, transport from server to server is usually SSL encrypted. However, the email is unencrypted on the respective server and can be viewed by anyone who has access to the server. So if you send access data or other sensitive content via email, it is better to encrypt your email.
OpenPGP is a so-called "case algorithm". Each participant has a key couple that consists of a private and a public key. They keep the private key. They never give it up. You can distribute the public key, publish on your website, whatever.
Encrypt and sign
To write your partner an encrypted email, encrypt your email with your public key. This encrypted email can only be broken down with your partner's private key. You can't even decipher you yourself. At the same time, sign your email with your private key. This ensures that the mail comes from you and has not been changed. A signature can be verified with your public key.
Quick and easy
In the past, additional software was still necessary under Windows to set up OpenPGP. OpenPGP has been integrated into the Mozilla Thunderbird email client for several years. You just have to generate your first key pair and can use encryption. To do this, go to edit in the menu / mailbox settings / end-to-end encryption and follow the instructions. You can import a new key or an existing key.
Verify the key to your email partner
How do you make sure that the key really belongs to the person you are talking to? Of course, it's easiest if you can meet in person to exchange your keys. Where this is not practical, you can also compare the key ID over the telephone.
OpenPGP with a reasonable key length is still not crackable. This also applies to quantum computers in the foreseeable future. Use a key length of 4096 bits.
With all questions regarding safety, data protection and encryption, we will of course be happy to provide you with advice and action.
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